
Morbid Wings Of Sathanas


"Temples transformed into tombs 
are cast down over ashes" (-Eliphas Levi) 
No more escape to the rotten past of Christian idolatry 
Future will be the ancient days reborn in understanding 
From the fertile ashes of Armageddon 
Under the reign of brilliant star of the Master 
Under the morbid wings of Sathanas 

"Christianity was never sincere" (-Eliphas Levi) 
Hark! So many streams of pagan blood 
Hark! So many screams of the tortured 
From the chambers of inquisition 
From the dungeons of the Christian bastards 
"Hate in the name of true awakening of nature 
hate the Creator in the name of supreme primal Darkness" 

There is only one true God, the Truth itself 
The majesty of night and kingly mountain scapes 
The Spirit cloaked wll under the form of the black goat 
Under the Pan-Theos of a new Serpent Christ 
"Under the morbid wings of Sathanas 
wings of master Sathanas" 

There will be no light left 
For the new dawn will be black 
Hail great flames encrowning our lord Lucifer 
Hail the master enthroned on world cube 
Hail the glory of the spread wings 
the morbid wings of Sathanas over us