In the begin of storm , the oat by sword How ask ceremony of warrior going battle of Honour The warrior kneel lifting the sword to thre sky The Almighty hear me , I'm ready to light In the name great Odin, In this war swear Loyalt and nothing Obstruct me of protect our Kingdom Veleda that protect with her magic all warriors of Asgard We fighting forever in the name of sword Storm and thunders annunce that Thor be together With the hammer came of green hill, To riding with other warriors in derection by the sea Much warriors falling and other deads, More warriors near of Odin exterminating enemy With out standard Let's go fight against that damineds and reveng Ours brothers , dertroyed that be against us And leaving his rest to the wolfs Spirit of eternity come to help the purify with fire of honour Ours swords against thi enemies Wi'll have ride forever in the name of sword Never wi'll have fear of raise our flag of battle This the symbol of our brabery and courage And raising with pride in the sky ours swords.