Daylight in the east over Thunder Bay. You laugh like you're crazy. Wading through a drowsy communique as I blow smoke off the second floor. Scribble what you do, erasing what you'll quit. Since you don't leave the house, I'm it. You're a jigsaw puzzle but none of the pieces fit. The Fuller House is a place to hide when traffic gets backed up outside. Just close the blinds before they break your heart in two. We block out the sun 'cause it shows too much; there's bottles we've still never touched. Nothing beats having nothing else to do. Talking to the trees, remember what I said - "you're kind of amazing" - and I still got your voice buzzing in my head as I make the climb up Dorseto Hill. Up a sleeping street and into 303. Want more of you rubbed off on me so for the summer months I'll just get marked absentee.