Hand-me-down politics and my brother's old jeans, yeah because everything's better once it's worn in a little. So go outspend your friends now, because fuck it yeah? New villains take no prisoners and disregard heroes cause they'll fight anything wont they? And on the subject, where did all the crime lords go; disguised as corporations and politicians and family friends. And I don't know if I'm in the right or wrong, but the feeling keeps on growing that there's few things more evil than fashion. And I'm pretty sure I'm right. I'm pretty sure. But I keep on thinking about all the girls I know whose skirts and magazines are all that get them through their working days. But I know, or I suspect, it's motivated by a fear of falling behind perpetuated by the industry; what a waste of creativity, what a waste of time. What a waste of fucking life. New villains take no prisoners and disregard heroes 'cause they'll fight anything wont they? And on the subject, where did all the crime lords go; disguised as corporations and politicians and family friends.