
Bang The Drum Slowly


(play the fife lowly) 
i just cannot stop 
asking why, always why 
running and running 
wandering and wondering 
no matter how many years fly by 
screaming "who, what and when" 
like some crazed eight year old 
who needs to know everything 
in a world so filled with nothing 
running and running 
towards one ounce of proof 
things that will not crumble at the slightest touch 
you tell me who the hell i'm gonna trust 
i can't stand looking at grown-ups 
never mind trust them 
loud and proud laughing at things that are not funny 
chewing happily on what is left 
of this cold, gray, flawed world 
i just gotta keep right on running 
away from it all 
towards tears born from lesson 
towards dreams instead of dollars 
half my age and stupidly brave 
'cuz anything is better than lying in some comfortable deathbed 
staring into the abyss 
as afraid of living as i am of not living 
though one time i awoke 
and could still feel the cold steel of a sword 
that had been thrust into me