Bandeira de Combate

Battle Flags

Bandeira de Combate

We are the mighty legions
With boots and short cropped hair
Sherman shirts and Levi jeans
And an evil looking stare
Our only ideology is the skinhead way of life
Always on the front line always fighting to survive

We are everywhere in every country, in every town
No one's ever gonna bring us down
We came to win and we are to stay
We will smash down all the scum
That gets in our way

Our battle flags are flying high
They're waving proudly in the sky
As we march towards victory!
Against oppression and red lies
You can see the fire in our eyes
As we're fighting to be free!

Police can lock us up throw us in a cell
They can throw away the key banish us to hell
But there is nothing that we can't take
Our pride and spirit they can never break

Politicians hate everything that we are about
Because we walk so proud
Because we sing too loud
Targeted by the vultures of the press
It's all a part of the game I guess