Banda NoRules

To Live

Banda NoRules

You have several doors to choose from. 
In all God is ready to receive you. 
Every door you go. 
God will show you ways that follow. 
He will show us where safe places to go. 
With our family and our parents. 
Places where there is only love and peace. 
We are tired of seeing so many wars. 
Now we want to know. 

Chorus 2x= To live in harmony. 
To live in friendship. 
To live in solidarity. 
To live with joy. 
To live in complete peace. 

GOD all its teachings. 
Never leave of my thoughts. 
Whenever I thank every day. 
For the LORD have given me such joy. 

Chorus 2x= To live in harmony. 
To live in friendship. 
To live in solidarity. 
To live with joy. 
To live in complete peace.

I believe in you, I know that he help me. 
I know he never will. 
Where in God must believe. 
What good things not only with me most of all will happen. 
So my friend you should always do good. 
No matter with whom. 
You have several doors to choose from. 
In all of them God is ready to receive him. 
Any door you go. 
God will show you which path to follow. 
I want safe places to walk with my parents. 
Places where there is only peace.

Chorus 2x= To live in harmony. 
To live in friendship. 
To live in solidarity. 
To live with joy. 
To live in complete peace.