Band Marino

I Have A Dream

Band Marino

Conjecture stands on belvedere
Screams come one come all and hear
We've found the way we've found the truth
Now prepare for blissful years

No more than animals we are 
I've got a dream so follow me, I've got a dream so follow me
Destined to take, to spend, to die 
I've got a dream so follow me, I've got a dream so follow me

La da da-da da da-da da da

Destroy your children, cheat and steal 
I've got a dream so follow me, I've got a dream so follow me
All that you want, is all that's real 
I've got a dream so follow me, I've got a dream so follow me 

La da da-da da da-da da da

There's no right or wrong 
String us all along
Tell us what to do 
We agree with you
Got somethin' in mind
Let's all have a time
Celebrate the day 
With our friend cocaine
Heroine or gin 
I could use a win
Take a vitamin
Take a cigarette 
Rejoice for this is it