You know I walked this far 

Over the highest walls 
To celebrate with you 

But maybe I was wrong 
You talk of life and death 

And I don't like that song 
You just sit there on your thoughts 

Like a broken down old thief 
I always used astuteness 

With my sheltered geometries 
It's foolish to take risks 

I concede nothing to anyone 
Following my thread I never lose myself 
Following my thread you will not lose yourself 
Come and take my thread and you want lose yourself 
Labyrinth that has no exit 

This is you embroidered space 
And I cannot walk there 

I quickly run up and down 
And all think I'm a sage 

But surely you can see I'm 
Unscrupulous I gently rock my prey 

Inside my precious shrouds 
If only I could enfold you 

Today perhaps, my most precious prey 
Would be you 

Following my thread