Did you see the boy, the frozen sky Skating on the ice, a sudden cry He fell down, a hole in the ice He disappeared, there was trouble in paradise So you were there, couldn't lend him a hand! Too far away, the lie of the land Shocked by struggle, you justify A dozen times you tell that fools lullaby If you head gets too big you'll end up in a parade so you better go home When curiosity killed the mouse and all the eyes fall down the party's reached its end Did you hear the bang, just down town A car-accident, upside down As fast as you can, won't miss the mess How many dead, enought to impress So you were there,didn't step aside when help arrived,you parasite Left for dead now, you smell the glory Never seen that much blood, for your fishermanstory? Why do only stories that are sad keep the attention high, and others are denied A missed link in life A dark basement in our mind Or are we partly blind Did you see the fire burn in your neighbourhood Did you see the fire burn You'd better turn So you were there,you rattlesnake but you arrived just a minute too late