


Sweet and low, sweet and low,
Winds of the Western Sea,
Blow, blow, breeze and blow
Winds of the Western Sea,
Over the rolling waters go
Come from the dropping moon and go
And blow her again to me.

Dear love, dear boy
Who walks with me here
Below me lies a valley
Erroded by sad tears.
Behind us lies a gap
Where my father would have been;
It served once as the doorway where
The theif entered.

Light and lust are enemies
And it was very dark.
A rose to young to use thorns,
She was torn apart.
But stolen petals mark the theif
Forever and a day,
And who will hold me now,
And make it goes away?


Can I hate you cleanly
For tearing what you did?
Or will vengeace be a storm
That falls on boths our heads?
But night is morning once time
Brings up the sun;
Forgiveness is the shifting wind
That moves me back home.


Hold me please and carry me
Through the end of time,
And show my the reason
In the ravaging rhyme.
But new petals I can form
From the dirt at my feet
And be Thou my Father,
That I long to meet.