Bal Sagoth

Bal Sagoth

Most viewed

  1. And Lo, When The Imperium Marches Against Gul-Kothoth, Then Dark Sorceries Shall Enshroud The Citade
  2. To Dethrone The Witch-Queen Of Mytos K'Unn (The Legend Of The Battle Of Blackhel)
  3. As The Vortex Illumines The Crystalline Walls Of Kor-Avul-Thaa
  4. Of Carnage And A Gathering Of The Wolves
  5. To Dethrone The Witch-Queen Of Mytos K'Unn (The Legend Of The Battle Of Blackhelm Vale)
  6. Journey To The Isle Of Mists (Over The Moonless Depths Of Night-Dark Seas)
  7. In The Raven-Haunted Forests Of Darkenhold, Where Shadows Reign And The Hues Of Sunlight Never Dance
  8. Spellcraft & Moonfire (Beyond The Citadel Of Frosts)
  9. The Chronicle of Shadows
  10. Unfettering The Hoary Sentinels Of Karnak

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