Now is the time How far have you come Strangle you with your own words, what's to be undone You out our souls on production, use us till were through You can't touch me by my intervention Bleeding eyes sometimes hide a true intention A killers hand is so unmanned from natural instinct Will you be the one to kill the son fro the elite No What we need is a new revolution, to not burn out the past You can't fucking control me, I'm going to take what's mine I'll cut my wrists to see you bleed; it's my life on the line All we need is a signal; your head will be the sign Lies, you promote your lies Truth isn't a choice, it's a way of life Is it to be trusted, better than being a tool You're going down; I'll take you with me If I can't win, I'll make sure no one else can I'll judge my competency by the marks on your neck If your will is your life source, that's what I'm going to break I won't be what you want me to Be I see for myself can't Allow you to govern my Life is mine Now you fall I see the light it's laid before me; but not for me Loop deep inside and see the darkest heart of all Walk with me and you'll You awoke from a dream and into a nightmare Soulless