I’ve got these pictures of yesterday These pictures, they’re all that I’ve got Tomorrow looks different When hope seems so distant Distant, the days that I want Found an old flame in the parking lot With a newspaper clenched in her hands, said Tomorrow looks different when hope seems so distant And damn, man I knew what she meant But that’s where you’re wrong The future’s in only our That’s where you’re wrong The future’s in only our hands Isn’t that mad? The night will light your fears away The sun will dry your tears away Darkness arrives and departs What’s a little price to pay? Saw my old friend at the supermarket He turned away, I looked back Tomorrow looks different Then suddenly you’re in it Yesterday needs to come back That’s where you’re wrong The future’s in only our hands Isn’t that mad? The night will light your fears away The sun will dry your tears away Darkness arrives and departs What’s a little price to pay? I’ve got these pictures of yesterday These pictures, they’re all that I’ve got That’s where you’re wrong The future’s in only our hands Isn’t that mad? The night will light your fears away The sun will dry your tears away Darkness arrives and departs What’s a little price to pay? The night will light your fears away The sun will dry your tears away Darkness arrives and departs Darkness arrives and departs Tomorrow looks different Then suddenly you’re in it Darkness arrives and departs