I stayed in this city When I thought it would drain me Could feel the road tugging Against the anchor of family And I watched the procession As they packed up and moved away I resolved to look forward In the place that I would stay Took the 54 uptown To the house I was sorting through While packing up memories In my childhood bedroom I filled up these boxes With things I should have thrown away They still sit in the corner untouched in any way At a break in a long day Found an old ball point pen sketch While explaining my drawing With unaffected disinterest I realized I still daydream About being a woman It’s fine, it's just something Underneath everything Like all of these boxes Heavy with sentiment Sealed and unopened I lay under the weight of it And I stayed in this city When it felt like a home to me On every block a new landlord Trying to evict me Yeah, I was sleeping on couches At all my friends’ houses Washing rich people’s dishes And losing myself in it