I Been in It For the Money I Been in It For the Fun I Been in It For Too Long to Want to Give It Up I Been Crashing and Burning Pushing Too Hard After Thrills I Been Haunted By a Hunger That the Pleasure Never Kills Swallowing Fire Swallowing Flame -- Burning Inside You Don't Remember Where It Hit You You Just Remember That It Aches Nobody Ever Knows Themselves Except By Their Mistakes Swallowing Fire Swallowing Flame -- Burning Inside But Somehow It Keeps You Running Out of Control and Into Walls When You've Broken Your Off Switch, There's no Limit to the Falls Now the Mornings Run Together Now the Clock Runs Out of Time And If I Don't Kill Myself I'm Gonna Die Trying Swallowing Fire Swallowing Flame -- Burning Inside I Been Swallowing Fire I Been Swallowing Flame, Burning Inside