Looking for a song About 3:30 long A song that I can sing It don't need no complicated theme The melody reverberates A backbeat synchopates Something has got to ring It don't need no complicated theme Complicated theme It ain't as easy as it looks Coming up with all those hooks Remember that it has to swing It don't need no complicated theme Do you feel what you play Well if you do that's OK Maybe add a little string It don't need no complicated theme Complicated theme We're going over this bridge Of bars like we always do Somewhere roundabout the middle of the last After chorus two Here we got the drums bass and guitars And a DJ too And we're coming to a town near you Looking for a song Looking for a song Looking for a song About 3:30 long A song that I can sing It don't need no complicated theme A melody reverberates A backbeat synchopates Something has got to ring It don't need no complicated theme Complicated theme Yeah it ain't as easy as it looks Coming up with all those hooks Remember that it has to swing It don't need no complicated theme Do you feel what you play Well if you do then that's OK Maybe add a little string It don't need no complicated theme Complicated theme It don't need no complicated theme