here's to ben folds and car drives maybe summer's just running late here's to nashville and madison street if home is where the heart is, this place is heartless no more matinees, no more moonlight if the world was gonna end it might as well be tonight i walked you home, you smiled the whole way when we got to your doorstep you said goodbye, for good you said, hey kid, it's nothing personal but love is not a pendant on a chain and i replied well fuck you too, you and your fake smile you're nothing more than hypocrite in high heels won't you keep it locked up for while girl it's gonna be a long night and a secret's not a secret if a lover's life is at stake i'll be your best friend if you'll be mine and i'll show you a good time if you just ask promises on prom night are flawless til you turn your back he said she said running through the big fields you gotta come quick if you're ever gonna get here time it's just about time we called it quits and i'll take three steps if you'll take four if i'm your chandaleer then you're my dancefloor so i don't really need you and you don't need me here's to summing up the last three years in the words of a song here's to your thoughts being whispered in my ear all day here's to the plaid blankets you used to lay on all the time here's to "us" being referred to in the past tense