Why do you hurry, impatient to something? Walk slowly, don't have to be like everybody If you're troubled, stop your step and take a rest Having enough breaks? A time for doing nothing Hard times comes a lot in a lifetime Sometimes go bad but you keep your step Nothing goes well if you try too much so Take a breath now you look at everybody! 24 Hours are all we have this day! What you have to do is what that (you can do!) Keep yourself and own confidence anytime! Don't you take it too serious and (laugh them away!) I have mine (woah-oh-oh!) You have yours (woah-oh-oh!) A day is a day, don't you try too hard (woah-oh-oh!) Take a rest (woah-oh-oh!) Ease yourself (woah-oh-oh!) Take life easy! (You are made of yourself!), your heart and your body (If both don't go well!), you can't laugh well, do you? (What's wrong?!) just taking rest (I don't know!) how long my life will last! We don't care about your ages! You were you and full of curiosity One day somehow we were caught by the duties! We live to search, looking for happy days We are walking to get what we (heartly wish!) 24 Hours are all we have this day! What you have to do is what that (you can do!) Keep yourself and own confidence anytime! Don't you take it too serious and (laugh them away!) I have mine (woah-oh-oh!) You have yours (woah-oh-oh!) A day is a day, don't you try too hard (woah-oh-oh!) Take a rest (woah-oh-oh!) Ease yourself (woah-oh-oh!) Take life easy I live slowly, I feel the sunlight Let's just laugh at and live own life Live your own life, don't try too hard You just believe yourself Woah-oh-oh! Woah-oh-oh! Take life easy!