Back After Dawn

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Back After Dawn

Glass is spread across the floor
Worse than it ever was before
Can't say I blame this on myself 
Or much less on anyone else 
So now the doors come open wide
And begging you to play out side 
Biting your time for what its worth
But the fact you know that we're both 
We're still alive some how we're still alive 
And why for change in our lives 
And know as what's fallen and broken down
We go to the place that we call

Home is away form home 
It's like being in love, love for the first time I swear to god this time we got it right

The pulse is still keeping us alive 
The TV it keeps you up at night 
A search for the doctor to find a cure
You hate yourself for the thoughts occurred 
And now as every things back again 
The places we don't call our friends
And every one's running towards the wall
And every one knows they'd call 

Home is away form home 
It's like being in love, love for the first time I swear to god this time we got it right