Babylon Whores

Flesh Of A Swine

Babylon Whores

Shiny like marble kissed by sea / Some Castaneda dreams / By William 
Burroughs means 

Feeding the devil with a spoon / It is the length / Not the skill nor stealth or 
strength / Like / Do you got what it takes to know yourself / To kill the 
universe / You try to twist into a curse? 

True flesh of a swine fattened on her brood / Will bark at the sun howl the 
moon / Go grasp the meaning of universe / Or kill thyself 

No four and nine is a twelve / No ten and three is a twelve 

The new born moon did burn you blind / A Horus of plucked out eye / Trying to 
map the sky / To find a place to go when he dies 

Bride wealth of the sun / For the wife you wed / A templars' Baphomet / 
Crown that fits no head / Pork jelly fed / No suckling to sodomy and sin / 
Cheap wine pissed in the wind / Gonna get it right 

For true flesh of a swine fattened on her brood / Will bark at the sun howl the 
moon / Go grasp the meaning of universe / Or kill thyself 

Seasons they change / Winter did come / Washed down with blood / Gulped 
down your sun 

And ogre brood souls / Gnaw cheese from the moon / Dream of wells by the 
road / In darkened bedrooms / But no coffin lid nails / No n demon names / 
Create no interest in Hell / You got nothing to sell 

For no nine and four's twelve / No ten and three's twelve / No such thing as 
yourself / Kill the universe / Get it right