


When the chemical kicks. Explode. I'm just like dyn-o-mite!
Struck by a rage inside I know I cannot fight.
Damaged controls. The relapse reunion.
About-face. Then the chronic confusion.
I never know when it's going to come.
I never see when it's all about to hit me.
From the core to the top. A curse in my blood.
I can't choose the run. I can't make it stop.

It's just like dyn-o-mite!

Senses won't line up straight.
Tied to the waves. A rope around the waist.
Buzzes and beeps reaching out.
The objects and speakers (communicate).
New electrical patterns.
Pave an unwanted path. Down to blast.
Bury the site like the rest of my life.
A stunning non-fiction that just don't stop.

It's like dyn-o-mite!
It's just like dyn-o-mite!