
No Doubt About Love


I don't know just what to make of this world 
My friends are wonderin' too 
I got some doubt about the state of this world 
'n what we're gonna do 
All I know is you 
'n the feelin' I feel is the truth 
I'm in love with you 
'n I don't need to figure it out 

All I know now is that 
I got no doubt about love 
Hesitation is out 
Now that I got not doubt about love 

You've never sure about your place in this world 
Or what you need to survive 
Some people say that 
What it takes in this world 
Is constant compromise 

But your love's so fine 
And I must have done somethin' so right 
To be in love with you 
And I ain't givin' up what I got 


Can it be 
Has taken ahold in my life 
Imagine my surprise 
No doubt big love is arrived 
Every day I thank God I'm alive 
