Baby Ray

Never Know My Name

Baby Ray

Up in your air are you gonna dare to begin to do it 
Pull out your hair cuz you think it's some big deal 
Well dude! Think again! You're losing your little mind 
Not cool to break the rule of the contract you never signed 
What is the deal? Do you have the feeling that I'm a danger? 
Can't see me real through your little lit-crit eyes 
Honey hardens, splits and cracks no matter what you say 
Milk sours, you churn around, and I choke on your curds and whey 
And you'll even fuck the weather up 
I tried to say it prettily 
But you've done something ugly to me 
And this is as close to a mirror as you'll be 
But you'll never know what'll never hurt you 
So you'll never know my name 
No you'll never know my fucking name 
Up in your air better beware of the hand that feeds you 
Cuz it don't care if you do a real bad thing 
First you wreck my car you get me all depressed 
Drive me a little farther and make me a bigger mess 
Yes I am through with your little sould and your little hell-hole 
Yes they are too none of us can spit that far 
I don't know you now, it's a favor to be returned 
Your shallow eloquence is a lie to all concerned 
And you even fuck the weather up 
I tried to say it prettily 
But you've done something ugly to me 
And this is as close to a mirror as you'll be 
But you'll never know what'll never hurt you 
So you'll never know my name 
No you'll never know my fucking name