The gore I see daily festers in my mind It doesn't stop with watermelon rinds Decapitated avocados thrown in a fruit juice waste The smell of molded tomatoes lying strung with seed half dried on the floor beyond the grocer's door A cart wheel grabs the attention of a plump fresh grape The sight of it's mutilated flesh drives customers ape Some of it's skin sticks to the wheel a long track of bloody juice It's veins and seed are peeled Putrid stench-rotting fruit Severed bananas from their shoot Acorn squash smashed against the wall It slides unrecognized rot that falls As it lies in the dumpster festering with maggots and flies, I prepare my paper bag for this delicious meal to try I store it in my drawer in case I get hungry for more. Slimy bacteria infested fungus FDA tested My sick mind compels me to Brutalize, Scrutinize, Analyze Mutilated, Decapitated, Refrigerated Fumigated, Rotting, snotting, fruit The soft innards spew forth from kiwis and peaches. There juices run Sticky fingers. I'm stuck in a rut From pulling apart cucumber guts