Baboon Rising

Biocyber Virus Infection

Baboon Rising

Cybernetic infiltration 
Invading the CPU 
Viral infestation 
Spreading as you compute 
Trojan without hesitation 
It worms its way inside of you 
Endangerment to your files 
The data string stretched for miles 
The executable has erased it all 
And now it has your mouse's ball 
The virus spreads up your arm 
You never thought you it would harm 
You get the chills and wear a coat 
And wake up with a sore throat 
A new virus is detected almost every day 
The best thing to do is to stay away 
Check the Internet for the latest fix 
Don't let the hackers get you with their tricks 
Virus software not up to date 
No chance to quarantine 
Left an open ip address gate 
Contaminate what was pristine 
You forgot your vitamin C 
So you are infected too