HAMMY: [spoken] Gentlemen, be seated. [singing] Mr. Tambo, Mr. Tambo, how do you do? And incidentally, how do you feel? MR. TAMBO (PENNY): [spoken] Well, now, I-I-I feels just like a stovepipe, n-nothing else b-buddy HAMMY: [spoken] You feels just like a stovepipe? MR. TAMBO (PENNY): [spoken] A-yeah, sooty! Hee hee hee hee, hyah hyah hyah hyah (CHORUS scats) HAMMY: Now, Mr. Bones, Mr. Bones, it's good to see you, and incidentally, Mr. Bones, how do you feel? MR. BONES (TOMMY): [spoken] How does I feel? Well, man, I feels just like a fireplace here of late HAMMY: [spoken] You say you feels just like a fireplace? MR. BONES (TOMMY): [spoken] I said it, I feels "grate" *laughter* (CHORUS scats) HAMMY: We all expect some dancing when the minstrels come to town, snow may I present to you, Mr. Rufus Rastus Jefferson Davis Brown. CHORUS sings: "By The Light of the Silvery Moon" RAY:(dances)