Is implanted in the children minds. Your troughts are now controlled. The refuse index Is a minority in the memories... Thousands of children minds are droped away. The weakness of the men Make and easy mental conquest. The before-earthquake systems Are useless now. The natural mankind intelligence Can destroy the politics, The Mass media and education systems. In the nowadays The people are so educated, They are created by this way. The genes of their creation Delimit their learning. The R3BN only controls The perseverance of the ideal. Manipulated nerve impulses Keep in dubt the minds. The thoughts are controlled To keep a fix knowledge. The natural mankind intelligence Can destroy the politics, The Mass media and education systems Solo: David The conscient and reason use All is lost without no memories. Bio mechanical brain To obtain the total control of human kind There are no think for yourself There are no contradictions, Only the obedience exists, Like the think overall. The weakness of the men Make an easy mental conquest. The before-earthquake systems Are useless now. The natural mankind intelligence Can destroy the politics, The Mass media and education system