Aynsley Lister

Everything I Need

Aynsley Lister

Tom: G

Everything I need

Tabbed by *

Buy the records -* - Aynsley Rocks!!!!

(b) = bend
(br)= bend & release


|-------------------------|---------------------|       |-----------|
|-------------------------|---------------------|       |-----------|
|-2-2-2---------2-2-2-2---|----------0--2-------|       |-----------|
|-2-2-2---------2-2-2-2---|-----0----0—-2-------| x 8   |-----------|
|-0-0-0--0-3-0--0-0-0-0---|-----0-------0-0-3-0-|       |----0-3-0--|
|-------------------------|-0-2----3------------|       |-23------3-|

0.47 - Verse 1

Clean shirt      new jeans…. Switch collar everything I need 
New shoes       slick hair   Some are saying you can go anywhere
|-----2-----------2--|------2-------------0----------|   x 2

There ain’t nothing to stand in front of me    to get me where I wanna be

Pretty woman fast car
A fancy watch that tells you where you are
No bills they ain’t paid
I got a nice warm place to stay

There ain’t nothing to stand in front of me
To get me where I wanna be
Cause i’ve got everything I need

Solo 1
       ~~~                 ~~                                 ~~~       ~~~
                                    ~~~                                    ~~~~

                                        Bridge Part 2.28


2.50 Solo 2     
        ~~~~       ~~~~                                          ~~~~



Rhythm - Solo
   C           A  Bb C              A            G  A        

Clear shirt new jeans
Slick collar everything I need
New shoes, slick hair
Some are saying you can go anywhere

There ain’t nothing to stand in front of me
To get me where I wanna be
Cause i’ve got everything I need