Virtual soldiers on battlefields Fighting against virtual enemies Pushing buttons to destroy Playing with people like human toys Sunken into dark despair No chance to escape so beware Only seconds to decide: Peace or war or suicide! Chorus: Let the war games run Playing God for fun Play the games of war Reality is fading more and more Roaring thunder men in black Atomic sounds of a nuclear attack Face to face - enslaved to war No security - anymore Oh, this is a war for entertainment A political arrangement Savage torture kill or get killed Let's get thrilled Augen glotzen Tod Der Bildschirm färbt sich rot Ich will den Todeskuss Erlöse mich, dass ich was spüren muss Let the war games run Playing God for fun Play the games of war Reality is fading more and more Augen glotzen Tod Der Bildschirm färbt sich rot Ich will den Todeskuss Erlöse mich, dass ich was spüren muss.