Axis of Perdition

My Time, My Reign, My Tyranny

Axis of Perdition

(Lyrics: AOP)

Awakened to an earth unrecognisable and ruined
Emerging from the fractured chambers of surrealism 
Searchlights cast beams into a blackened cityscape 
Through skyscrapers thrown down the horrors stalk 

This is the God deconstruction field
Where scorched planets floating aimlessly 
Are more insignificant than dust motes
Orbiting my baleful outstretched fist
Exacerbated madness of the chaotic abyss
Beneath continent-sized slabs of sentient machinery 
Smoke-veiled mechanised Charcaroth 
Rears its clustered jaws 

I stare at your feeble world from the far side of the apocalypse
Chaos fathered me now I guide it into your world 
Post-human abominations bow jerkily to my broken idol 
To the thunderous violating song of the inverse stars

The stench grows more appalling as they draw near
Dragging their festering, bloated carcasses with spindly arms
Chittering incessantly from their many mouths 
Eyeless, pulsating vermin dripping their filth into foul waters

A universe anathema to passivity and warmth 
Stretches creeping metallic tendrils to strangle time 
A malignant alien aeon eating its way towards you
Eternal pounding and joyless disarray

I died an iconoclast in chains and woke as a lifeless god 
Stillborn apotheosis to rule over war-torn ruination
Misanthropic dawn
My tyranny!