fifteen years on the tracks making a good living until the day that Tom walked your route home from school you tried to shout but the headphones on his head where way to loud you quit your job everything in your life fell apart but you fail to see you're not at fault as people we don't control everything that occurs there are greater things so much greater things at work don't throw it all away you'll wear this cloud over your head as if it's something that you've earned that's where you'll suffocate this song is dedicated to last flight on Christmas Eve you didn't have to leave someone was there to take your seat he had a family two kids in Tennessee hydraulics didn't seem to care as the TV screen reports the scene the feeling just sinks in tied to a line we all fall in you love your wife and kids they're the reason you live after your daughter turned 10 you never saw her again she walked home with her friends from school and got picked up she disappeared this song is dedicated to the ones who let go.