I've never been better than this Got my head on straight and my feet are in sync An ancient body cries "give me an open mind" Give me some solid boards to walk on All life is, is a series of events. Sporadic actions and I won't let them pass me by. We're all farmers in our sleep, harvesting dreams we seek. If you cant hear this scream then turn it up! It took a little time to become sound inside. It's a body lying empty on the carpet floor. Every Breath I take is new recirculating songs I knew. the soundtrack to the motion of your shoes you just have to sing along. So sing along Maybe I should set my eyes on higher sights than I sought Maybe I should shut my eyes and just stop seeing at all The roads we walk are narrow so hold your stride to the tempo You choose the roots you choose to grow You chose to reap I chose to sow… the good life But I cant hold on (DON'T YOU FORGET) To wait to long (NEVER FORGET) I cant hold on (TO SING ALONG) To sing along