Awaiting The Apocalypse

Battle Of Hope

Awaiting The Apocalypse

Ahhhh, we have a solution
Forged from the millions of lives lost
A method that prevails at all cost
We’re not mechanized anymore
Just sir to settle the score
Mark lines, make the red zone
Where dead pile up
Killing by the millions
Take one show per second
This is our chance to prove that we will overcome
With our boots by the heel or the blade of an axe
Skull crush!

In a massive square formation
Around a billion rounds of ammunition
Set the dogs loose to bate the Z’s
We’re motivated by metal blaring
Simplify the battle method
Eliminate the tanks
In the form of a phalanx
A power they can not defeat
Ahhhh, we have a solution
A force they can not defeat
Cherry pies, brains fried