He's always been calm, Never talked to anyone. Never caused them harm. But nature seemed louder than what was taught. soon enough they'll all feel how he feels; and how the world's on it's knees! Driving down a dead-winding road, You can drive away You can drive away.. More than you know's in your heart and your soul! You can drive away! You can drive away more than you know! Thought I Told You So He cuts through the canyon, and down to the boulevard. He's got em where he wants.. He glares at a Walker-On-By who gives him some of her strength through her eyes which he feels.. Through her eyes now he sees! Driving down a dead-winding road, You can drive away You can drive away.. More than you know's in your heart and your soul! You can drive away! You can drive away more than you know(more than you know) More than you know (more than you know) More than you know! Thought I told you so; One day you'll grow, into a Soul you will learn to love. Driving down a dead-winding road, You can drive away Driving down a dead-winding road, You can drive away You can drive away.. More than you know's in your heart and your soul! You can drive away! You can drive away more than you know Thought I told you so