Cloudy sun lit sky without a sun, feeling warm without this heat Conversation lingers in the air, not even a word was spoken Sitting in a park soaking wet, park bench cold and metallic Flowers and grass drenched in the rain, not even a word was spoken Shadows hover in the distance, in its wake Reality turns to a dream was it even real at all? That once was leaves you cold to the bone Longing for more when there is nothing left not even a word The perfect spheres of raindrops glisten While the air smells of what came and went Wishing the wind would take it all away, accept it This tragic merry go round and around it spins Dragging you, vertigo, you start to panic accept it One step: Put a foot to the ground, one step: It ends the sadness One step: Sends you headfirst, one step: Into the arms of madness Can you get off this merry go round And so you close your eyes because you think that it will save you All you have to do is just forget with a pinch you open to