Witness to an endless storming cosmos Casting towards the cold empty beyond Beatific flares tear at my skein Divination strains to chart a course Hull ignites and alters To form a hurtling pyre Flames my panegyric Will my cynosure Torrid in resistance Tearing through the veil Chaos screaming Parallax is mine alone Dreams as navigation Holds of airless might Boundaries of compression Violent in my wake Tethers slash hide Layers of time expand Perception now procumbent Echoes polarized Rushing headlong, streaming ashen lies Terrible portent lodged, drishti binds my mind Symbiotic predestination Terminus: divined Prisons unbound Mandala divides the light Tetrarchic prayers Answer prismatically Doom spreading from below Roots anchored in death Culminate as one Dissipate as null Propagating... Cyclical existence of failure Punctured through thaumaturgical siege Immersed in a world of shells All life within evaporates Memetic weaponry Averred against Gammadion wings Inferno in my mind Founder beneath the sun Thrumming howls of demon Pushing aside the ruin of thought Mantled in schematic litanies Chains of execration No longer binding me My essence forged in canopic restraint Singularity Reborn in parallax Extinguishing The primordial soul