KATEKATE Why can't people get along and love each other Christmas Eve? CHRISTMAS Ha! You tink gedding arong same as ruvving? Sometimes ruv - right where you hating most Kate Monster KATE Huh? CHRISTMAS The more you ruv someone The more you want to kir dem The more you ruv someone The more he make you cly Though you at cly for making peace wid dem and ruvving That's why you ruv so strong you rite to make him die The more you ruv someone The more he make you cwazy The more you ruv someone The more you wishing him dead Sometime you rook at him And only see fat and razy And wanting baseball bat for hitting him on his head Love KATE Love CHRISTMAS And hate KATE And hate CHRISTMAS Dey like two brudders KATE Brothers CHRISTMAS Who go on a date KATE Who ... what? CHRISTMAS Where one of dem goes odder one foddows You inviting them He also bringing sorrow KATE Ah, yes CHRISTMAS The more you ruv someone The more you want to kir dem KATE Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah CHRISTMAS Ruvving and kiring fit like hand in glove KATE Hand in gloves CHRISTMAS So, if a someone you are wanting so to kir dem You go and find him And you get him And you no kir dem Cos chances go ...