To the Land Veiled in Mist Pale sky now stands before me leaves grey are dead to the west our light now must flee In the gloomy night we shiver our time has passed say farewell to these shores long here did we dwell Flee from the dark hand and the fading light your time here is gone the world you knew has changed what once was green now lies dead and cold never will return the good days of old Grey waves now flow before me longing my return to the west where night does not reign golden flowers still there bloom and majestic towers marked with runes stand undefeated and eternal beside mountains fair Flee from the dark hand and the fading light your time here is gone the world you knew has changed what once was green now lies dead and cold never will return the good days of old With bright steel in hand shielded by shining armour to these eastern shores you rose usurpers and self made kings exiled by your ancient sins hear now the howling winds cursed by your pride to everyone you lied both pain and beauty sailed with you against the dark lord you fought yet more misery here you brought leave now and never come back For our days are ending and our years failing I will pass the wide waters lonely sailing Long are the waves on the Last Shore falling Sweet are the voices in the Lost Isle calling Pale sky now stands before me leaves grey are dead to the west our light now must flee In the gloomy night we shiver our time has passed say farewell to these eastern shores long here did we dwell Grey waves now flow before me longing my return to the west where night does not reign golden flowers still there bloom and majestic towers marked with runes stand undefeated and eternal beside mountains fair