


once ignored - now cherished 
as they begin to tick away 
panting, like a dog in the wind 
throat constricted 
swelling as a tumor - i can scarcely breathe 
my eyes stand in the way 
to the world i need to see 
hazy melting images coated in glue 
begin sliding from my view 
and i trample on top of them 
now a blind fool 
now a blind fool 
oh my heavy, heavy aching legs 
cannot do the work of ten men 
to lift my feet of stone 
clumsy, my arms 
long and leaden - they drag behind me 
carving deep trenches in the rotting earth 
oh so tightened 
stretched beyond belief 
my skin cracks 
with the weight of my dying body 
and the rage in my head 
blood trickles down from my burning eyes 
and stings my charred lips 
oh dear god - if you would but save me
so much as a finger on my hand 
surely i could find the strength to climb 
atop a cloud in your sky 
and echo your praises 
into the light of a new day 
but my words are lost 
as my bones 
snap suddenly 
and i am left to lie upon the burning remnants of my life 
the clock ceases inside of me 
oh this silence, this emptiness inside 
for the grinding of my teeth at the searing pain 
of my flesh and the stench which infiltrates my every pore 
might as well relax 
it's much too late 
to cancel 
all my reservations in hell