Time lingers As a cloud Surrounds me Preserving all that was And all that I am See me now Motionless and free As I expand into its stillness (See me now) Incandescent faces Marveling at the wonder Staring back at me I hear their words Yet they do not speak Their sky descends and hides my face My body fallsThrough the mirror Casting shadows in the stream My wings unfurlSee me now Blooming meadows in winter She shivers in the Sun I can still hear her singing As she rises from the water Her wild despair growing As her voice howls with the wind Sending cries into the void I cling to the hope That all good things will come Tomorrow will fulfill its promises Climbing up from that dream I see a vision Simple and pure Like a child song Beautiful words I long to hear Nothing ever changes And nothing was ever broken See me now For these are the seeds of history