In the library, I've got visions and visions of you In the library, fighting visions that I didn't choose But right about now, I really don't care Yeah, right about now I just wish you weren't here I could sail away happy on some other page Oh, I hope it's not too late La de di In the library, I am hidden, obscured from your view In the library, you said, "that's such a childish thing to do." But right about now, I wish you were gone And I earnestly hope your predictions are wrong Cause I've gone and I've given all I've got to lose Now it's your turn to choose La de di Now, shh Shut up! La de di Now, there's pictures of Hemingway before he died And tracings of trails where the Indians cried And I'll look like I'm having the time of my life But you're always right I'm in the library, la de di In the li, in the li, you're always right.