You want it all You want it fast You want the things That never last You can't sit still You won't stand up You drink it down And throw it up Your eyes are hungry Mouth is dry You have no tears For those who cry You run for office Run for your life You cut your losses With a bloody knife You make your deals You make your money You soak your words In bitter honey Your car is fast Your gait is slow You never reap The things you sow You have no time You have no fears You can't account For all your years What you can't buy You try to take Those you can't bend You try to break Your silver bracelets And golden chains Were hammered from Another's pain You have it all It's in your hand Your grip is firm On grains of sand You have a chance To get some more You suck your fingers And lick the floor Your shiny medals And flashy rings Are substitutes For other things You make the laws You set the rules You climb the backs Of willing fools You have it all But it won't last The end is near And coming fast