The death for which all sin demands The sinless died for guilty man And though we give our hearts to less He is our righteousness The Christ who took the sinner’s place Sings the symphony of grace While Satan’s lies of guilt abound The Savior’s love resounds! Holy, Holy, Holy is our God Worthy, worthy is Christ the Lamb All my heart, all my soul All my life is Yours alone Holy is our God From heaven’s throne above I hear A voice that silences all fear It’s a declaration of a King It says, “You are mine and you are free” Yes, we are Yours and we are free! He will return just as He said The day the graves give up their dead And I will bow face to the ground And sing the sweetest sound Holy, Holy, Holy is our God Worthy, worthy is Christ the Lamb Holy, Holy, Holy is our God Worthy, worthy is Christ the Lamb Holy, Holy, Holy is our God Worthy, worthy is Christ the Lamb All my heart, all my soul All my life is Yours alone All my heart, all my soul All my life is Yours alone Holy is our God