A lost village in the dark Heard the laugh among the frost Felt the wine's taste he knows the shade without fear A lost village in the dark Servari is the priest who speaks: "It gives what we need, but we cannot get out of here" The storm restarts as in all winters Nella foresta dell'ombra But they don't fear The wheat is their culture The music is their food See how the trentins live Their only fear is the spirit of the woods who cares for their survival Dedicate homage and sacrifices to the spirit of the old forest Servari is the priest who speaks: "It gives what we need, but we cannot get out of here" The storm restarts as in all winters Nella foresta dell'ombra But the trentins only follow the advices of Servari Sacrifice in honor of the sacred tree Forgotten storms, winter of rage Old witches and forgotten goat Devoured by tree