Tom: A chords played capo 2 em7, dsus, g, csus em7 dsus g csus e-3 3 3 3 b-3 3 3 3 g-0 2 0 0 d-2 0 0 2 a-2 x 2 3 e-0 x 3 x hammer on csus on a string like this a--2h3-3-3h2-2h0-2 intro lead played on some kind of fiddle, no capo e--12--14--16--16--14--12-------------------------------| b--------------------------12-/14--14-/12-12/10h9p10-/7-| g-------------------------------------------------------| d-------------------------------------------------------| a-------------------------------------------------------| e-------------------------------------------------------| theres also a lead for the pre chorus. its very easy. without capo e--7--5--4--5--5h4--------------| b------------------5------------| chorus as far as i can tell goes g, csus, dsus