
...Ever Know Peace Again


Do mourn, the glory days are gone 
Like roaches scattering under a beaming light 
Run out of history's backstage 
As your flags burn over spoiled Eden 
Looted for you to waste 

Kings of the hill, inflated frogs, staged heroes, die! 
Altogether World bowed in disrespect 
Clenching teeth, towering hate 
World won't ever know peace again! 

In none we trust 
Sowed salt within our soils 
Fed us what even rats spit up 
Perpetuating the times 
When wealth spoke the speech 
When wealth swung the whip 
On sweat sown your power 
Now harvest billions of enemies! 

Oppression is deserved for who complies to fit within 
It is fantasy freedom; tied to galleys we row 
Docile on our way down the food chain 
Livestock salivating at pellets in a trough 

A fate to which we almost fell 
Rolling meat screwed within the Machine 
Silkworms soon to be boiled, all others denied awakening 
Like cattle we were bred, raised and processed 
Baited in with hopes for none to achieve 
By scarecrows guarded under a gray sky 
No wonder we were all afraid to open the cage, never...