When everybody's fast asleep, she arises Driven by a vision in her head Almost every night she left the convent walls unseen Led by divine order to purge a world so obscene Say your last false prayer I'll find you everywhere! And every single night She saw that glaring light A kind of spectral entity In her mind an angel's telling her to feed the God With blood Blood Unbelievers' blood Blood Unbelievers' blood In the alleys, in the streets, people vanish When Margaret's on her quest for blood Lovely Belle, they said, she was a notorious whore How sad, she and her bastard son were seen nevermore Say your last false prayer I'll find you everywhere! And every single night She saw that glaring lifht A kind of spectral entity In her mind an angel's telling her to feed the God With blood Blood Unbelievers' blood Blood Unbelievers' blood Every night under angel's command Margaret was talking to herself again While hiding bodies in the woods Naught shelters ye, who wilt not shelter Me And every single night She saw that glaring lifht A kind of spectral entity In her mind an angel's telling her to feed the God With blood