Again i feel the dirty ground I stand with my boots on Rotten, deceerated, holy place Raped mother land We fought side by side We held the banners high Together we touched the sky Our aim out of reach Those days we shared the pain, And stood as one Those days our spirit was one union, Those days are gone We fought side by side We held the banners high Together supposed ti die Our aim never reached I still hear you strong voice, Telling me about utopia Yes i still can hear you, Your spirit will be erver inside me Does any god listen to me? You took just the comporeality! No one can break my melody Listen to my threnody I've lost nmore than a friend (but) one day we'll meet again I won't loose you twice Because your spirit never diea - never/you'll return I keep the free spirit, i carry on, i keep on fighting I know, i snatd alone, your return: a further ending Does any god listen to me? You took just the corporeality! No one can break my melody Listen to my threnody