
Exhumed Anguish


Exhumed anguish
Nude i rise from the earth
And to the earth nude i return
Curse the womb that gives me birth
As the day that i was born

Let it fall asleep
And darkness finally arrives
Let it wait to be born
But never return that time
Let it be forgotten from the mind of humankind
As the stars in the sky never shines in that night
And the blood of my veins be the tears on god's eyes

Oh impure spirits
Embrace me in your pain
I am one of you
So then i'm here to claim
For a shelter in the lair of the iniquitous
Cause in my dreams
I'm surrounded by dark creatures

Don't look at me god from above
Spiting in my luck
He is forsaking all my prayers
Bleeding from my throat
I scream to the goat's horns
Growing in my head

If the thing that i worship were vanquish from this world
Then why have i the need to wait for death to take my soul
I want to rush this hour so that i can rest in peace
Cause what is life? is nothing but a merciless disease.